I'm a homebrewer with a dream! I hope to someday open a brewery of my own...in the meantime, I'll continue to brew at home, sharpen my skills and write about my trials, and failures!
Past Brews: Belgian Tripel (Batch 1) Belgian Tripel (Batch 2) Robust Vanilla Bourbon Porter American Brown Session Ale II CrystALE (Wedding Batch 1) CrystALE (Wedding Batch 2) CrystALE Organic Belgian Witbier American Pale Ale II American Pale Ale American Brown Session Ale Fresh Hop Harvest Ale Robust Porter (1 gal) Hartwick Hefeweizen Dana's Raspberry Wheat Red Tide Amber Ale II Red Tide Amber Ale Patriot IPA Dunkleweizen Nut Brown Ale Fat Man Summer Ale
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