Friday, February 22, 2008

Stone Smoked Port

Part two of my Julio's review trip. I'm going through the porters first. 22 oz bottle poured into a glass.

Appearance: It poured a very dark brownish/black color that some reddish tints when held up to the light. A nice dark tan head formed and left a lace of foam on the glass.

Smell: As soon as I poured it into the glass, I could smell the smoked malt. That pretty much drowned everything else out and that was all I could smell. I might have served this beer a little too cold which would mask some of the flavors. I'll have to revisit this one.

Taste: The smoked malt was the most prevelant and obvious flavor given the name of the beer. I though Stone did a good job of still have the "regular" malt flavor come through and mix with the smoked, but the smoked flavor overpowered anything else.

Mouthfeel: The carbonation was the first thing that I noticed. It was very smooth and didn't overpower like i was expecting after the first sip. It was gone as quick as it came in.

Drinkability: Overall, I think this is a good beer. Something I'll probably keep in my fridge, but possibly in small quantities. The smoked flavor started to bother me a little towards the end of the beer. I think I could enjoy one or two of these in a session and then have to move on.
Well, off to shovel some snow. Looking forward to the Rogue Chocolate Stout that up next!


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