Saturday, February 23, 2008

Rogue Chocolate Stout

Tasting number 3 from my Julio's Trip. This was poured from a 22 oz bottle into a beer clean glass.

Apearence: Dark black! I held it up to a light and saw nothing but blackness. Great head formed and left a nice lace as I sipped down the beer.
Smell: The first smell was full of malt tones with some slight hints of toffee. My first thought was "wow....they found a way to make a beer that tastes like an ice cream sunday". I'm getting very excited!!
Taste: The frist sip had hints of un-sweatened chocolate. Soon after the toffee flavor fights it's way back to the palate. A slight hop bitterness is present and it finds a great way to mixs with the chocolate/toffee flavors.
Mouthfeel: Very smooth as it rolls across my mouth. The carbonation is definitely noticable, but not too overpowering.
Drinkability: I think it goes without saying that if a beer reminds me of a's very drinkable. I'm a big fan!!


The Bier Kaiser said...

Jason - nice work, not a big Rogue fan but the Chocolate Stout is a great Winter beer. Wouldn't want one at a Red Sox game, but in front of a fire on a cold evening they are awesome!

Recently tried the Hazelnut Brown, they add extract of Hazelnut at some point in the brewing process. I'm wondering if it would evaporate out if added to the boil? In any event, it makes for a tasty alternative to standard Brown Ales.

keep up the good work!

Ted Danyluk said...

Rogue's Chocolate Stout is one of the fines chocolate flavored beers out there. After sipping on so many other beers (a few being dark chocolate brews) before we got to Rogue, my brother and I had our first sip at the Great Lakes Beer Festival last Fall.

Somehow the chocolate flavor, being pure in taste (and not at all artificial or weak), came through so well. We were both very impressed at how good the beer was. Definitely bought it as a result.

Thanks for visiting my journal. Looks like you have many good topics on your blog. I'll be back.