Friday, January 29, 2010

Review: Sankaty Light - Cisco Brewers

I met some friends at the Oak Room in Boston and had the chance to try Sankaty Light from Cisco Brewers in Nantucket, MA. I can honestly say, this is my light beer of choice from now on!!

I did have one issue with this beer though. The bottle says Sankaty Light Lager (despite the picture on the left), but the website says it's an ale. I emailed the brewer to get to the bottom of it, so I'll update when I get an answer!!!

A: The beer is a light gold color with a thin white head that stuck around and left a thick lace on the glass.

S: The aroma is of light malts and a pretty strong dose of hops for the style.

T: The taste is light and starts out a little bready with very little malty sweetness. A nice clean burst of mild hops bitterness follows. The malt character is thin as you would expect. Overall, it’s quite refreshing. The after-taste is slightly bready with a nice hop aroma to finish it off.

M: Crisp and very smooth, light body, medium-to-heavy carbonation, clean and dry finish.

D: Tasty, goes down very easily, not filling at all, perfect when you want something light. It’s well-worth drinking on a hot day and you’re not looking to get too hammered.

Serving type: bottle

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